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Ketambe Adventure - Welcome to the earth, I agree that Southeast Aceh Regency, Southeast Aceh Regency is one of the regencies located in Aceh Province, Indonesia.
Alas Valley
Here I was born, raised, educated, lived and lived, and will probably be buried.
The Marriage Customs of the Alas Society.
Marriage has a very important meaning in the Alas community, so it always starts and continues with various traditional ceremonies, namely:
1. Marriage proposes.
2. Curse Ceremony (signing).
3. Khisik Ceremony.
4. Pinang Cut Ceremony.
5. Ceremony of Pinang Mbelin (big areca nut).
6. Midoi Ceremony (ask for exact time).
7. Menkhaleng ceremony (pick up wife).
8. Nakhuh ceremony (bring the wife home).
9. Senubung Ceremony.
1. Marriage Suggestion.
In the Adat Alas, this proposed marriage does not continue to bind or a marriage occurs, but first through several binding methods so that the desired marriage occurs. Meanwhile, the occurrence of this marriage is pursued by several processes by men (prospective grooms) and women (prospective brides) such as:
- The song simude or mepahur (main kolong) is a young couple's relationship which is done at night on certain occasions, after they get to know each other then this will be conveyed to the parents of the male party or continued to the next level to the female side.
- Single, namely the relationship between the male family that has been conveyed in advance the intention to the female parents. If this is accepted by the women, they will be given a tuhu (so) sign from the men for their marriage, for the time being they are called the engagement period until the desired marriage ceremony occurs.
2. Curse Ceremony.
The curse ceremony is, a preliminary ceremony in the marriage of asking for, at this curse ceremony to notify the female family of the arrival of the male family's family which is marked by two or more parents as envoys from the male side by bringing kampil (betel and its place). Before they arrive at the women's house, a lumbe (stop) is held with the intention of informing the male family's family that they will soon arrive at the female family's house, so that the female family gets ready to receive their arrival. That is to propose to their daughter who will be matched with a man from the envoy when this first conversation is finished and gets a good reception, it will be continued with the next conversation at an interval of a few days later.
3. Khisik Ceremony.
At this traditional ceremony, this khisik is the same as the curse ceremony and is also passed with lumbe, only the difference is that in addition to carrying kampil, it is also carried puket dakan (pulut oil, omelette duck eggs (apam) and also betel wrapped in banana leaves (panpinang manulung). When the woman arrives at the house, a second level discussion will be held or continue the previous discussion (at the curse ceremony).
4. Pinang Cut Ceremony.
The areca cut is a follow-up to the previous step which received approval from the female family and those who came as a group at the betel cut ceremony consisted of the head, priest, preacher and clever men from the male side, while those who were brought to the areca cut ceremony were puket dakan (pulut lumpur) 20 keppel (package), one kilo gram of coffee, 2 kilograms of sugar, panpinang (betel food ingredient) two nakan chopsticks (two small ponds). The areca nut cut is usually done at night and after being present at the woman's place (the prospective bride) will be asked and examined by her parents (guardian) regarding the wages requested both in terms of goods and money and so on. After this is done, it means that it is official between the man and the woman to have a bond, and is followed by eating together with the food ingredients brought by the male party, and after finishing eating the group of the male party leaves for home that same night.
5. Mbelin Pinang Ceremony (Big Pinang).
The Pinang Mbelin ceremony aims to determine the proposal. Furthermore, regarding the departure of the mbelin betel nut, it is the same as the cut betel nut, only the luggage is different in this mbelin betel, what is brought is one goat, twenty coconuts, 30 kg of rice, seasoning for goats to taste, 1 chicken, 2 kg of sugar, 1 Kg coffee and 2 chopsticks betel ingredients. Also participating in this group are clever men and women who will carry the material, as well as the penghulu and his representatives in the group.
This event will be started by the family and all of the women's families are present, so in this case a discussion will begin on the concrete determination of the proposal. If there has been agreement between the two parties regarding the money for the marriage fee (honest money), then the male family will pay the customary money for the proposal and at the same time a binding ceremony will be held, usually from the male party giving an engagement ring, sometimes this ring as honest money (dowry) for marriage and some are specifically designated as engagement rings (outside of the dowry). And at this ceremony it will also usually be given in the form of marriage gifts from the men to the women. The gift giving is outside of the money proposal, because the betel nut custom is not for women's families, in the past the amount of pihang traditional money was Rp. 16, now in use Rp. 15,000 and this traditional betel nut is distributed to people who are elderly, but according to the data that the author has received now, the money is used for the penghulu.
Apart from the route, the customary money for the proposal is still charged with the payment of dape money (a request from the family of an elderly woman or the girl's mother) and in addition to the guardian's wages (a request from the family of the woman's male/sister) . And also the payment of the 9 cubit long cloth given to the uncle of the prospective bride (brother of the woman's mother).
The payment of dape money, guardian wages and 9 cubits of long cloth can be deferred during the Mekhaleng traditional event. After completion of the problems determined in this pinang mbelin traditional event, then the male family will return that night, and beforehand it will be determined in advance the pudun (free time in waiting for the menkhaleng period), and during this period it is called the learning period for both parties.
6. Midoi Ceremony (ask for exact time).
This midoi traditional ceremony is a traditional ceremony, where the man asks the woman's family about the implementation of the next marriage, this midoi traditional ceremony is the same as the traditional ceremony of pinangan mbelin only the luggage is different. At this traditional ceremony, what is brought is puket megelat (red rice), rice and a side dish of chicken curry, two earrings and two coconut seeds. Before the groups arrive at the women's house used for this event, a lumbe event will be held first.
If in this event the closest relatives of the bride are already present, then one of the representatives from the male group will open the conversation and will say the purpose and purpose of his arrival. They will ask for a timeframe for the inauguration to be held, namely the mekhaleng event or (pick up) the wife. When this discussion has been completed and a definite decision has been reached, then the men will return home after eating together from their innate (the men) in the future.
A week before the time of the wedding, several tebekhas are held, namely preparing all the equipment, tools and materials that will be used for the wedding ceremony. When it is complete, each of the two prospective brides comes to their uncle's house (their mother's brother) in respect of the implementation of their marriage, then the uncle tells the whole family about the duckhe (nephew) marriage.
Two days before the time of the inauguration of the marriage of the two prospective brides, the groom's family holds a pebagah (invitation) to the woman's family and those who deliver this bagah pelawan must be parents, at least they are married and have children, while Previously, a grandiose event (general invitation) was held for all families who would be invited to this traditional wedding ceremony. Meanwhile, at that time, at home, each party held a Jagai ceremony (a kind of coolant) and an event about the two brides.
Furthermore, in this ceremony, a samba khumah (house is connected) event is also held, this is to add facilities for the invitees. And it depends on the number of guests.
7. Mekhaleng ceremony (picking up the wife).
When the time has come for the pre-determined pudun (promise), then a traditional mekhaleng ceremony (to pick up the wife) is held. Where the traditional Mekhaleng ceremony is held around 13.00 WIB. Before the mekhaleng group left for the bride's house, two men with families were first sent to deliver dowry gold (ngantat gold) and setumen rice (1 kg of rice wrapped in white cloth) and dape money.
The gold that was brought was handed over to the woman, which was only a condition and would later be returned to the male family. At the gold antat event, a group of men came to mekhaleng on the same day and at the same time to avoid doubts from both parties regarding the implementation of the marriage ceremony at the appointed time. After the gold antat returned, at that moment the mekhaleng group departed for the bride's family home, where the groom was decorated with full traditional clothes.
The mekhaleng entourage consisted of traditional leaders, girls, their youth and their male and female parents. Behind the bridegroom accompanied by girls of responsibility (age 7-10 years) the number is determined according to the status of the parents of the prospective bride, if the parents of the prospective bride are penghulu or maybe and so on, then the responsibility girl who accompanies the bridegroom is 5-7 people. if the parents of the bride and groom are ordinary people then the girl who accompanies the groom from behind is 3 people. Behind them will follow their parents and the whole group of girls carrying instruments that sound at once sounded (canang or mecanang). When they arrive at the village of the prospective bride, a ngembu (stop) event is held in order to carry out follow-up to the woman's house, whether a mekhaleng event can be held and to prepare the prospective groom about the clothes to be worn, whether it is still neat or not. shift. People who are sent to women's homes are people who are married and are also considered to understand the ins and outs of what will be conveyed. After everything is considered finished, the woman's family invites the male family to enter the house immediately, the Mekhaleng group previously read salawat 3 times and was greeted with a sprinkling of rice by the bride's family by the groom raising his hand 3 times to honor the family women sit in the designated place.
Furthermore, when the whole group has sat down, then there is a handover of goods by one of the simetue (parents) of the male side to the female side, these items are like nasi kendan (rice wrapped in banana leaves), kampil, chicken with eight bones, at once. honest money payment (dape marriage wage). In the delivery of these items, the woman's family considered it to be quite perfect, marked by the completion of the Cekhane (large plate) on the porch of the house, all the family and guests had all sat there. Usually, the Cekhane is filled with money by the family of a large woman, the amount of money is not determined, it is up to those who carry out the custom, because this also has an effect on the guardian (pemamanen) if there will be an event in shame (the child who is married) will someday holding an antat takhuh event (if the work of circumcising the apostles of his child) when this event has all been completed, then with the wedding, namely the acceptance of the two brides by the parents of the bride or walimah (who is represented) or who becomes her guardian. Next, the bride and groom salute (nembahi) to the parents who were present when the marriage ceremony was held, after the marriage contract was completed the bride and groom were brought into the mosquito net (room), the bride was accompanied by several girls, the groom handed over some money and declare in belief that they are legal according to the customary law of Alas as husband and wife.
Then the bride and groom and the bride's guests came back out of the room, then the marriage ceremony was considered complete, then the mekhaleng group were invited to eat together, that night all the mekhaleng group spent the night (sleep) at the bride's house, and the next day the event would be held the custom of escorting the bride to the groom's place and at that time a nakhuh event was held or escorted the bride to the groom's place.
8. Nakhuh ceremony (bring the wife home).
At this traditional ceremony, before the bride's family leaves her parents' house, a nakhuh event is held or giving an obedient or word of advice from one of the parents from the woman's family. At this time also the handover of the woman (wife) to the groom (husband) and continued with a nembahi event (respectful greetings) while before the evening there was a dilo cry (midnight crying aimed at crying between fellow girls was very touching, and after After the nakhuh event, the menkhaleng and nakhuh groups (the group that escorted the bride) departed to the groom's house.
When the nakhuh group arrived at the groom's village, the group held a ngabu event (pause) to prepare everything that was considered lacking, at this time a male family of 1-2 people came with a mat and chekhane at the burial place while at the same time inviting them to enter the groom's house. Right in front of the door (hantu ketangge) a ceremony is held where hands enter the house, the bride holds a nembahi to pay homage to the husband's family to receive worship.
9. Senubung Ceremony.
The senubung traditional ceremony is a ceremony held after the mekhaleng traditional ceremony and the nakhuh traditional ceremony as well as a continuation of the traditional ceremony above. After the bride spends the night at her husband's house one night at the nakhuh ceremony, then the next day the bride and groom go to the bride's wife's parents called senubung. Each of the bridesmaids is brought a coconut whose skin and shells have been scraped off and given a size as the ceiling of their gifts (plates), puket megelat (pulut Merah), kampil and panpinang manulung replies from the bride with the same items. brought to the groom's place (husband), but the object or item is different for each veil (the umpteenth time veil). Here the author describes the goods or objects that are brought in every senubung ceremony, these are as follows:
a) The first cover includes:
(a) Puket Megelat (pulut cooked with coconut milk and brown sugar).
(b) Rice with chicken curry vegetables.
(c) Panpinang manulung, which is accompanied by one single devotee.
b) The second cover includes:
(a) Megelat Puket
(b) Grilled Chicken Rice.
c) The third cover includes:
(a) Puket Dakan (pulut oil)
(b) Sanglar Duck Eggs (omelet)
(c) Unspecified rice and side dishes.
d) The fourth cover includes:
(a) Nakan Kepel (rice wrapped in banana leaf).
(b) Benem Fish (pepepes fish)
e) The fifth cover includes:
(a) Nakan Kepel
(b) Siche Matah (salt).
f) The sixth veil is:
Senubung megang which is held to welcome the month of Ramadan is carried out as a tribute to the wife's family. As follows :
- Puket Megelat.
- Rice and side dishes are not specified.
- Penpin Menulung.
g) The seventh veil is:
In connection with Eid al-Fitr, while the objects/goods that are brought are the same as holding this as a sign that the kinship relationship is not broken.
In this case, kampil never misses any of these senubung ceremonies, it's just that from this kampil sometimes it differs according to the situation demanded, kampil (betel goods complete with ingredients that are inserted into chopsticks or the like, small ponds that have been decorated with carving creations, so that creates a beautiful impression that is very interesting at each of these traditional ceremonies. Thus, a wedding ceremony according to custom is finished, then the wife continues to live in her husband's house, so that she will follow her father's lineage, this is in accordance with the mutually agreed customs in the arrangement. the way of a wedding ceremony for the Alas people.
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